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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Something new every day...

Just yesterday I had downloaded a virus protection software to my home computer, only to find out that with it, my Internet did not work. I tried to fix it to the best of my knowledge and nothing was happening. I, then, had a "computer whiz" come over to help me! After all was said and done... because the antivirus was present and it looked to my Internet as potentially dangerous, nothing could be done. I was forced to uninstall it and put another software on there and the Internet magically worked again.
The moral of the story is.... I learned something about the safety and security that has emerged as a result of the advances in the web and other technologies. Computers are very picky when considering what they will and will not let you do nowadays! Is that a good or bad thing? That's the pickle.


Lindsey said...

It's a tricky line... I mean, that's why people were getting so upset with Vista- the heightened security was ridiculous. It was seeing things like attaching your mouse as a security breach that needed your approval. So it's good to be concerned with security, however security people are overly paranoid so they suspect everything.

Anonymous said...

Hey, your blog is looking very cool. Who knew you were such an Elvis fan?